Bring a lover back spell

 To reply to multiple letters about an affordable and effective bring a lover back spell, I, spellcaster Maxim Spellshelp.COM, will tell you about a magic ritual performed using a handkerchief. Unfortunately, handkerchiefs aren’t as popular today as they used to be, and now people prefer disposable paper tissues. You can solve this problem in two ways:

-  Make sure your beloved gets a handkerchief;

- Cast a spell with this handkerchief.

Don’t use a handkerchief unless you’re a 100% certain it’s been used only by the target and no one else. Also, don’t cast this spell unless you’re confident your loved one will be the first to touch the handkerchief, even if to throw it out, after you perform your ritual. If the person you love lives with some family members, and especially with a girlfriend, this ritual won’t do you any good. If you go through with it, you’ll direct his love at the family members or his lover, crossing yourself out of his future once and for all.

Give him a handkerchief as a gift, if you’re still friends with the target. If you’re not, collect whatever he left at your place, such as some T-shirts and pants, put a handkerchief in between them, and put everything into a bag. Give the bag to him. Three day later call him and tell him there is something in the bag that belongs to you. Take the handkerchief back and perform your ritual.

Spells to bring a lover back are cast in a similar manner:

Step one – clean up your place (perform the ritual in a place where you expect your lover to come back to), wipe the floors, clean the furniture, windows, doors, put new bed sheets, and dust the place to make it sparkling clean).

Step two – fast for a week. Fasting instructions can be found in my previous articles on my Spellcaster Maxim website.

Step three – make sure you cast the spell on the third day after the moon starts waxing. It means there is only one day a lunar month you can cast this love spell.

Step four – put five candles in a circle on the table: three white candles, one blue and one yellow candle. 

Step five – put your photo in the middle. You should be in a good mood in the photo, preferably feeling what you feel when you think about your ex-lover. If you don’t have such a photo, open one on your smartphone or tablet.

Step six – light the candles.

Step seven – cover the photo with the handkerchief of who you think is your soul-mate.

Step eight – tilt the candles one by one to drip some wax over the photo. For each tilted candle, repeat:

“The ice of your heart is melting (say his name). You (say his name) now remember me. Now you (say his name) start to miss me. Now you (say his name) want to come back to me to offer me your love and ask me for mine.”

Repeat the spell until each of the candles has given some of its wax to the photo. If the handkerchief is big, repeat the spell one more time, tilting the candles in the same manner – clockwise.

Step nine – while the wax is still soft, crunch up the handkerchief together with the photo. The photo should end up being wrapped in the handkerchief. Shape your wax-covered handkerchief as a ball first and then as a heart. The better heart you get, the better. Your wax heart should be firm, so squeeze it tightly. While shaping it, repeat the spell seven times. And remember that the wax should harden while in your hands.

Step ten – bring the wax heart into the apartment where your ex-lover lives and leave it in there, but make sure it won’t be found. If you can’t get inside, bury it by the front door (if your beloved lives in a house).


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