How to make a voodoo doll for revenge

 Of course, making a voodoo doll for revenge requires a doll. And as we mentioned earlier, dolls from the local store will do just fine. However, while you are out shopping for the doll, Spellcaster Maxim suggests that you opt for dolls that bear almost the same semblance as your target.

If the target is tall, go for seemingly tall dolls. Similarly, if the target is light black or light-skinned, your doll should carry such qualities — the idea is for the doll to look like the target as much as possible.

Having made the right choice of the doll from the store, you can use personal items or belongings of the target such as their photo, hair strands, or nail clippings. You can also use a piece of cloth from their bedding or clothes.

 Usually, the spell caster will stiff the doll with any of the above-listed items to create a very strong link to the target. That way, the voodoo spell for revenge will execute the assignment with way much less chance of missing the target.


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