Strongest love spells – Recipe 2

  Many people consider it to be the most powerful love spell magic has to offer and it requires highly caffeinated unroasted coffee beans. To begin with, put a lock of your hair onto a clean copper frying pan. The hair should be cut off of your right side of the head if you want to have a casual fling and the left side of the head if you want a serious relationship which can possibly turn into a marriage. Roast the hair until it’s dry and breaks like dry pine needles. Add three handfuls of coffee beans and stir with a magic knife (for information about where to buy magic items see my website). Roast the beans until ready to be used to make some coffee. While the coffee beans are warm, put them into a manual coffee grinder and grind them. Put seven similar cups with saucers on a shelf in the cupboard with non-clear cabinets. Put three lumps of sugar and a teaspoon next to each cup. Put your photo under each saucer (7 in total). Use different photos which were taken not later than 6 months before the ritual. Put two teaspoons of ground coffee into each of the cups. Put the spoons back. Put another photo on the cup (face down). The photo should be the same as the one under the cup. Then invite your loved one over and pour some hot water into one of the cups (leave the photos on the shelf). Serve the coffee to the target. Repeat 7 times. The target will fall in love with you. Note: If the target wants a refill, use the old cup without rinsing it. Use the leftover ground coffee that you prepared for your strong love spell.


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