When to not cast love spells?

  Yes, there are situations when love spells should not be cast. You need to understand that magic is science and factors are affecting the overall process and result. Magic is a powerful force and for the proper effect it should be used with necessary precautions otherwise the result could be undesirable. The situations when love spells should not be cast are –

  1. When the target person is angry
  2. When you are angry at the target person or nervous about him/her
  3. Don’t use the magic spell for taking revenge, it should be used with positive desire.
  4. If you are into drugs or any other thing, then you shouldn’t use magic love spells.

There are more rules too, but they are divulged when you will discuss yourself with Spellcaster Maxim as these rules are specific to the person who wants to use the spells.


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