There's nothing much difference between laying a curse to cause miscarriage to someone and performing other magic rituals. For example, the way one needs to perform certain rituals, chant incantations, and adhere to some strict rules for other witchcraft; it's fairly similar to abortion spells. For those magic charms, it's important to keep an experienced enchanter in close contact, and it's also the same for abortion curses. However, qualified guidance is more essential in this regard since miscarriage spells are much more complicated than them.

Hence, if you ask whether you can perform such a spell on your own or not, the simple answer would be it’s always executable. But, ensure to adopt additional precautions. Upon being evoked inaccurately and deflected by the guardian angel protecting the baby, the dark forces transport ghastly kickbacks to you. Hence, getting on the ground without adequate preparations would be the most unwise deed possible.

The unfavorable aftermath of a stop pregnancy spell wouldn't be an experience you want to have. Besides, nothing goes more wrong than conceptions depicting the ill effects as too mild to be unbearable.


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