Black magic to make her love me




“You talk a lot about how to make spells. But I have a question about something quite opposite. I have a feeling that I’ve fallen victim to a love spell. How do I check myself? Is there any simple way to do it?”


“The best way is to get examined by an esoteric expert. Sometimes it will be enough for an occultist to look at you to understand if you have a spell on you or not. If a visual examination is not enough to identify sorcery, there are some more complex methods. As for how to check yourself, please see the articles available on my website. I, spellcaster Maxim, have talked about it a lot.


“Can even the simplest of spells, such as those cast when you steal handkerchief or use a Grisgris bag, have such terrible negative effects as you describe?”


“To cast a spell with a handkerchief, you need to steal a handkerchief from the person you love, put a spell at home on it, and then put it back where you took it without the target knowing. The thing is that if you use black magic, then together with the stolen handkerchief you return a clot of negative energy. The energy needs to attach itself in the house of the target. If it can’t, it comes back to you, and then the things that I wrote above start happening. Are you ready for something like this? And speaking of Grisgris, it’s used in voodoo rituals. It seems to me that I have already described in detail what happens to those who try to build love with the help of African shamanism.”


“How safe is black magic to make her love me with menstrual blood?”


“If we were to rank esoteric dangers, the rituals of sacrifice and blood would be at the top of the list. There’s nothing more dangerous than doing menstrual blood rituals. The probability of negative consequences for the performer is a 100%! When you make a sacrifice, you doom yourself not just to a karmic punishment, but to the strongest of all curses. And I can guarantee it will be so powerful and unbreakable that even the strongest of witches won’t be able to remove it.”


“Are all love spells black magic dangerous?”


“Is a big sharpened chef’s knife dangerous? Yes, if it’s in the hands of a child. Certainly yes, if it’s in the hands of a man who has decided to hurt himself. However, if it’s in the hands of a master, it turns into a perfect tool that is not dangerous to anyone. Sorcery must be treated in the same way. When it’s done by a master, it will remain safe and effective.”


“Which rituals are more expensive: black or white?”


“There is no price list for magic rituals. You are dealing with one-of-a-kind items which value can only be determined after examining your situation. How many rituals are needed (often more than one spell is needed)? How much time it will take? How much energy it will take for the occultist to help you? These answers will determine the final price of your ritual.”


“How do I make an appointment with you?”


“It’s very simple. Get in touch with me in a way that’s convenient for you. I’ll make an appointment and instruct you on our next steps.”


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